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Point of Care Ultrasound Scavenger Hunt


There is a growing body of EMS agencies, Critical Care Transport companies and Hospitals that are now using Point of Care Ultrasound in the management of their patients.  


If you are one of the providers using Ultrasound at the bedside or in the back of the rig and you have an awesome HIPPA compliant scan, please send it my way.


I am looking for examples of Normal and Abnormal images. Pathologies such as:


  • Pneumonia

  • Pneumothorax

  • Pleural Effusion

  • Pulmonary Edema

  • Decreased Cardiac Function

  • Pericardial Effusion

  • Cardiac Disease

  • Aortic Dissection

  • Free Fluid in Trauma

  • OB scans and Fetal Heart Rate

Free Fluid

Mitral Valve Regurgitation

OB: 12 Weeks

Aortic Dissection

Pericardial Effusion


Dedicated to sharing

the knowledge of Point of Care Ultrasound with

Paramedics and Nurses for their use in their everyday practice to improve patient care.

See more Pocusstuff on YouTube at

Thanks for submitting!

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